


Britain's Pursuit of Cold War is Dangerous

Last week British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss pursued a highly provocative speech at a London event where she took aim at both Russia and China. The speech was typical of Liz, in that it sought to frame global politics as a zero-sum ideological struggle between democracy and authoritarianism, of which she likes to describe as a “network of liberty”. Yet, it went further than previous addresses that it was intentionally more aggressive and sought to demand that China “play by the rules” stating that its rise was “not inevitable”, with Truss also vowing to involve the UK and NATO in the Taiwan region. Arguably, it is the most single aggressive address ever given by a British foreign secretary concerning Beijing.

British Foreign Policy since Brexit has been premised on an effective delusion, that is the nostalgia of a long-gone era whereby “Britannia ruled the waves” and wielded the power of a global empire of which allowed it to impose its will on others. China of course is no stranger to that legacy. With the opium wars, Britain opened what Chinese people understand as the “century of humiliation” when European powers learnt they could use their growing military might to force political and economic concessions on a declining Qing Dynasty. Liz Truss clearly believes that London is capable of doing the same thing to China again, and is hungry for confrontation with Beijing.

But none of this fiery rhetoric has any basis in reality. The world has changed, and circumstances are no longer favourable for the UK. Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union was a self-inflicted wound which has had a huge detrimental impact on the economy across the board. It has created supply shortages, labour shortages, added to burgeoning in inflation and severely hurt services too. This has coupled with surging energy prices and shrinking standards of living. The truth is that in lieu of Brexit, Britain’s economic relationship with China is of critical importance and Boris Johnson had long understood this and made it clear. The United Kingdom cannot afford to distance itself from the largest consumer market and trading nation on Earth.