

报道说,根据英国政府出口许可证数据,去年前9个月,英国政府向向台湾出口潜艇相关部件和技术的公司发放的许可证价值达到创纪录的1.67亿英镑(2.0129亿美元),路透社对数据的分析显示,这比前六年的总和还要多(The value of licences granted by the British government to companies for the export of submarine-related components and technology to Taiwan totalled a record 167 million pounds ($201.29 million) during the first nine months of last year, according to UK government export licensing data. That is more than the previous six years combined, a Reuters analysis of the data showed)。

报道说,这些数据可以公开获取,但最新的与台湾有关的数据此前尚未有报道。当路透社向中国外交部提供这些数字时,中国外交部在一份声明中表示:“如果这是真的,这严重违反了一个中国原则,损害了中国的主权和安全利益,破坏了台湾海峡的和平与稳定”(When presented with the figures by Reuters, China’s foreign ministry said in a statement: "If this is true, it is a serious violation of the one-China principle, undermines China's sovereignty and security interests, and undermines peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”)。


报道说,英国政府发言人在一份声明中表示,英国长期以来一直在“逐案发放向台湾出口受管制货物的许可证,前提是这些申请符合管制武器和两用产品出口的规则”(the UK has a long record of “granting licences for exports of controlled goods to Taiwan, on a case-by-case basis, where those applications are consistent with the rules that regulate the exports of arms and dual-use products.”)。

报道的原标题是《Exclusive: UK approves increased submarine-related exports to Taiwan, risking angering China》(独家报道:英国批准增加对台湾的潜艇相关出口,可能激怒中国)。