路透社首尔4月11日电:韩国周二表示,一份据称泄露的美国机密文件中包含的信息似乎是基于韩国高级安全官员的内部讨论,是“不真实的”和“经篡改过的”(South Korea said on Tuesday that information contained in a purportedly leaked U.S. confidential document that appeared to be based on internal discussions among top South Korean security officials was "untrue" and "altered")。
报道说,韩国总统尹锡悦的办公室在一份声明中表示,怀疑他在首尔的办公室受到监控是“完全错误的”,任何动摇其与美国联盟的企图,都是“损害国家利益”的行为(suspicions his office in Seoul was monitored are "utterly false" and that any attempts to shake its alliance with the U.S. is an act "compromising national interest")。
报道的原标题是《South Korea says leaked US intel document 'untrue', amid spying allegations》(针对间谍指控,韩国称泄露的美国情报文件“不是真的”)。