他在圣彼得堡国际法律论坛上表示:“当然,我们将继续使用所有可用的法律手段追究责任人的责任,但在国际法院机构这样做的可能性微乎其微”("Naturally, we will continue to use all available legal instruments to hold those responsible accountable but the chances of doing that at international court bodies are negligible," he said at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum)。
梅德韦杰夫表示,俄罗斯有能力改变局势。他强调:“但现在普遍的法律辩护手段实际上起不了作用,即使是50多年前联合国大会通过的《国际法原则宣言》中承诺提出的如此美好的想法也是如此”(According to Medvedev, Russia is capable of changing the situation. "But universal means of legal defense are practically not working now, even such beautiful ideas that were committed to paper in the declaration on the principles of international law adopted by the UN General Assembly more than 50 years ago," he stressed.)。
报道的原标题是《Russia to continue efforts to punish those responsible for Nord Stream blasts》(俄罗斯将继续努力惩罚北溪爆炸事件的责任人)。