Today, happily, the United States is no more the center of international geopolitics, we have China, we have Europe. We have to learn how to develop other kinds of relations. But I have been saying something more than that. I think that even China has to learn.

Up to now, international diplomacy, politics and external policy were made regarding one country in the whole world. I think that now we have to learn to see the world before the country. I used to say that diplomacy was made to the time when the world was a group of countries. Today, I say that each country is a piece of the world. This require a different mindset for the diplomats, for politicians engaged in cooperation and relations with the other countries. Brazil and China can learn together and teach one another.

Guancha: China and Brazil are both key members of BRICS. How can both work to increase cooperation under this framework? Also, as two institutions both focused on promoting the interests of developing countries, how should the work of BRICS and the South Centre intersect and interact?

Cristovam Buarque: I proposed yesterday that the South Centre should invite the new president of BRICS bank, our Brazilian politician Dilma Rousseff, to come to South Centre to meet with us. We have to be inside the BRICS bank. I said that we have expertise, we have knowledge of the South. Let's make that available to the BRICS bank. Regarding China and Brazil, we have something very good: we have a Brazilian president of BRICS bank, and the BRICS bank is in Shanghai, China.

Let's put together this cooperation, this coincidence, and let's use the BRICS bank more. Personally, I think that we have to discuss a lot before that. I think that we should at least bring some other countries to BRICS and to BRICS bank. I think there are other countries that should be part of this experience, an experience that would change the world because it would be very important to this idea of a new geopolitics of multiple poles. BRICS is very important to this.